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Physical activity is one of the most important things we can do for our health and well-being. The practice of breaking is designed to challenge the practicioner with complexicity in movement that will satisfy the mind, body and soul holistically.

During the practice we aim to workout our fullbody and soul to the rhytm of music. Every muscle part will be involved! Emotional intelligence and physical intelligence will be blended.


„Age, abilities, shape, or size do not matter.“

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The close relation between dance and music is based on the fact that both are organized around rhytmic pattern. For us as a breakers musicality is essential to feel the music and portray that through our movements. Music and dance engage the brain and helps our body and mind work together. Music and movement activities improve coordination and physical abilities, strengthen social skills, and teach emotional expression in a healthy way.


We as a dancers tell stories by using different language. Instead of using words, we use our bodies, eye contact, and movement to express ourself to the music. During practice we convey feelings and emotions, and connect with others and with ourselves. Expression through Breaking is fun, and also a great workout for the whole body. Words are not necessary - the body does all the talking!


One reason many people fail to achieve their goals is because of the hard work involved. But ambition comes with a strong desire to succeed, no matter what it takes. In reality, becoming more ambitious is a procces that entails very small, very achievable steps. My practice is focused on dedication, patience, and hard work because that's all what it takes. Well-balanced ambition leads to creativity and innovation, higher levels of performance, joy and satisfaction.


My workshop helps to set new goals and open up to new possibilities when it comes to life, movement and art form. It's needed especially in current environment where people at the young age are very affected by technology so that they forget to move. Breaking is a great opportunity to get more mobility and begin to move more freely. I provide improvement of the physical form, motivation, confidence boost and a different way how to express yourself through dance. I want to see people grow and be the best that they can be and get involved with the fundamentals of breaking culture.

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I was Born in the small city called Chomutov in 1992. I fell in love with breaking as a young kid, I started breaking since 2004 and despite that I've never been talented, my passion has been very strong since the first days. My inspiration back then was a local crew called ''Sewa Side B People''. This had a huge impact on me and my breaking and I was proud to represent their name few years later. After some time breaking in my town and in the whole area slowly faded away and simultaneously, in my early 20s doctors diagnosed me with hip osteoarthritis. That has became a limitation to perform one of the simplest movements or positions until this day.



I made it through many obstacles in my life especially when it comes to injuries while I felt in love with breaking. I have experienced Sudeck syndrome, hip arthritis, knee surgeries, burnout and much more. I learned that nothing is permanent and every problem has a solution. It was a life lesson I have learned through breaking. I have never lost hope and kept fighting no matter how desperate the situation seemed to be. Following my goals, passion and my hearth. You never really loose until you stop trying.

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